
what is market risk

Market risk is the possibility that an individual or other entity will incur losses due to factors that affect the overall performance of investments in financial markets.

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Day trading on margin

Margin allows traders to amplify their purchasing power to take advantage of larger positions than their cash positions would otherwise allow.

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Insider Trading

An algorithm is a set of instructions for solving a problem or performing a task. A common example of an algorithm is a recipe, which consists of specific instructions for…

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To buy stocks, you’ll typically need the assistance of a stockbroker since you cannot simply call up a stock exchange and ask to buy stocks directly.

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Buying Options

Purchasing power, also known as excess equity, is the money an investor has available to buy securities in a business environment. Purchasing power is equal to the total cash held…

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The simplest approach to paper trading identifies an interesting stock through a chart on a website or analysis of a market personality, notes the ticker, and chooses a time to…

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Volume of trade

Trading volume is the aggregate measure of the number of securities, that is, stocks or contracts that are traded on a particular trading day.

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what is blotter

A blotter (also called a trade blotter or exchange blotter) is a physical or digital record of all trades made over some time (usually a trading day) along with related…

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