
Equity Strategies

Equity strategies

An equity strategy is a long-short strategy on equities that consists of taking a long position in bullish shocks (that is, whose value is expected) and a short position in equities that are bearish. (i.e. they should increase in value) and a short position in bearish stocks.


Equity strategies are investment strategies for an individual portfolio or a vehicle of aggregated funds such as mutual funds or hedge funds. This strategy focuses only on stocks for investment purposes, whether they are listed stocks, over-the-counter or over-the-counter stocks. Private Equity A fund/portfolio may mix the proportion of equities when executing their strategies whether or not this requires the following equity strategies of 100% or less depending on the fund objective: The prospectus clearly specifies the weight of capital in the basket of a portfolio.

Equity Strategy Considerations

In general, equities are considered the riskiest asset class for investment relative to cash and bonds, as the performance of these equities is linked to multiple macroeconomic factors of the economy. economy and the company in which they are placed. was done. do. However, historical returns have proven to be superior to traditional investments such as bank deposits, but the futuristic trend is still unpredictable.

A well-mixed portfolio of various stocks can protect against individual business risk or sector risk, but there will always be market risks, which can impact the equity asset class. All equity portfolios should perform at their best when the underlying economy shows continued signs of growth measured in terms of GDP (gross domestic product) and inflation is between low and moderate because inflation can erode future cash flows from stocks. In addition, the tax structure will also have an impact on these business strategies.

Equity Strategies - Long / Short

Long short equity strategies have traditionally been used by niche investors (senior investors), such as institutions that have existed for a long time. They started to gain prominence with individual/retail investors as traditional strategies were unable to meet investor expectations during a bearish market scenario, thus ​encouraging investors to consider broadening their portfolio towards possible personalized or innovative financial solutions

A long-short equity strategy is an investment strategy, mainly used by hedge funds, which consists of holding a long position in
stocks that are expected to rise in value and simultaneously holding a short position 
on stocks that are expected to fall in value. over some time. A hedge fund manager should be on his guard and may need to adopt these strategies at the same time to take advantage of arbitrage opportunities or use them as hedging opportunities.

Hedge funds execute these strategies on a large scale. Simply put, a long-short equity strategy involves buying a relatively undervalued stock and selling a relatively overvalued stock. Ideally, the long position will increase the value of the stock and the short position will cause the value to decrease. If such a situation arises and the positions held are of equal size the hedge fund has a chance to make money. This strategy will work even if the long position (a stock whose value is expected to increase) decreases in value provided that this long position exceeds the short position (a stock whose value is expected to decrease) and vice versa.

Risks associated with equity strategies

Equity strategies, including long-short strategies, are subject to various types of risk:

Hedge funds are less liquid than various UCIs because they carry out wholesale purchases, which involve a lot of funds and can impact your overall portfolio. This makes it very difficult to sell the shares in the market as it may work against the increased interest of the portfolio/investors. It can also affect the stock market share price.
If you do not profit or regularly check your long/short position, a fund can end up with huge losses, which also results in a high commission rate.

The portfolio manager needs to correctly predict the relative performance of 2 stocks, which can be difficult and a difficult situation because the manager’s point of resolution is what matters.
Another risk that can arise from such a technique is the “beta mismatch”. Essentially, this indicates that when there is a sharp drop in the overall stock market, long positions can lose more than short positions and vice versa.
Despite the above drawbacks, there are some key advantages to using such a technique for hedge fund management:

Most investors focus on selecting winning strategies for long portfolios, based on their knowledge of the market and their ability to take risks. However, long/short strategies with the implementation of
short selling allow the investor to profit from a wide range of stocks.
Successful management of a well-connected and fully integrated portfolio of long and short positions can help improve profitable returns, even in a difficult market environment.


In summary, long-short equity strategies can help increase returns in a difficult or volatile market environment, but they also involve substantial risk. Therefore, hedge fund investors considering such strategies may want to ensure that their funds / portfolios follow rigorous
rules for assessing market risk and mapping profitable investment opportunities.

Financial advisers are able to potentially steer investors towards prudent decision making to shift some of their allocations longonly to long / short equity strategies and the potential rewards associated with them.

Historically, long / short equity hedge funds have provided returns that compare favorably to those of the broader stock market, reducing the impact of volatility on relatively small declines from peak to fund low.

However, the challenge with this approach is that it constitutes a large and diversified fund category that encompasses many styles, managers and risk / reward characteristics. How managers strike the right balance while using this strategy is the crucial point in reaping the maximum benefits.

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