
Bid Price

What is the bid price?

The offer price is the price quoted by a buyer to purchase a particular security or security or any financial instrument and is compared to the asking price quoted by a particular seller who sells that particular security or security or financial instrument.

For a winning auction, the ecosystem needs a seller, a buyer, a stock, and an asking price. The trading ecosystem requires a buyer to enter their price. Depending on the asking price, the buyer places the order.


Helps provide the price the buyer is willing to pay for a particular action or action in the quote.
The seller would be informed of the value of the security he holds. A bid price higher than the asking price indicates good availability and vice versa.

However, in the real situation, the asking price always remains higher than the asking price because the expectation of the seller’s stock is always higher while the buyer always offers a lower price for the particular stock.

The intrinsic value of the security can be determined.

 However, the general sentiment during the bull market remains positive as the buyer is willing to buy at a higher price because they know that the stock in question may sell for an even higher price.

In the case of the bear market, the general perception of buyers remains low as the seller is willing to sell the stock at a lower price. Therefore, the buyer can easily find the seller. In real market conditions, the perception remains so low that the price of the offer tends to fall.

When an offer quote matches the requested quote, the transaction occurs. In most cases, they stay low, unless a group of buyers are willing to buy the stock at some point.

 So, in other words, the supply and asking price depending on the theory of supply and demand.The greater the demand, the greater the supply.


Some of the disadvantages are as follows:

This price is lower than the asking price and has sometimes hampered the transaction because the seller is unwilling to sell the stock as indicated in the bid price.

The bid price does not determine the real value of the securities. Due to market dynamics, investor sentiment, and fear of the bear market, they tend to go down. However, the actual share price can be quite high and the seller is forced to sell their shares at a lower price due to tight liquidity.

In modern commerce, supply is made through electronic systems. Millions of transactions take place every day. Therefore, it is not possible to contact the bidder or the buyer. The seller and the buyer cannot meet.

Through the offer, the buyer wishes to purchase the specific security, while the actual value may not be the same. Due to a liquidity crisis, the offer price of the stock or the stock has fallen and may not reflect the actual fundamentals of the stock.

The bidder places the price below the seller’s quoted price via the asking price. However, it is always lower than the asking price. The psychology behind the mechanism is that the buy rate must be lower than the asking rate.


Do not reproduce the actual value of the title. This is just the scenario of market dynamics.
The tenderer always enters into a contract; due to the lower demand, the seller may sell at a lower price.
The difference between supply and demand is called the spread.


Nowadays, the electronic trading platform has replaced the old scream trading system. Both bid and ask are displayed in front of the screen and traders can trade accordingly

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