
Asset Management

What is Asset Management?

Asset management is investing clients’ money in the right assets to ensure optimum returns. Asset management companies (AMCs) make investment decisions on behalf of their clients. These companies usually serve huge organizations like insurance companies, pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, and High-Net-Worth Individuals.

Asset management is driven by an investment mandate. The mandate contains instructions to manage a certain pool of assets in a specific way. Asset managers follow these predetermined risk parameters and investment strategies. For these services, asset management companies charge a significant amount in fees.

Key Takeaways

Asset management involves planning, acquiring, deploying, managing, and disposing of a client’s assets. Asset managers aid individuals and institutions in attaining financial goals.

Asset Management Companies (AMCs) deliver value to High-Net-Worth Individuals, government institutions, insurance companies, charities, sovereign wealth funds, pension fund organizations, and other small and large firms.

The different career options in this field include financial analyst, research analyst, financial advisor, investment broker, and asset manager.

Understanding Asset Management

Wealth managers strategically design and manage client asset portfolios to ensure growth. To diversify client portfolios, asset management companies (SGAs) integrate different asset classes. AMCs combine stocks, bonds, cash, cash equivalents, real estate, mutual funds, commodities and marketable securities. There is a minimum investment limit below which AMCs do not process projects. This is also known as the wealth limit.

While hiring an asset management company is an expensive proposition, it certainly has its advantages. For starters, an AMC has experience. In addition, customers save time, money and effort. Additionally, wealth managers research a wide range of investments before choosing personally selected options that are right for the client. The benefits go beyond mere benefits, AMCs also facilitate risk mitigation. AMCs offer their clients alternative investment services; brokerage, credit cards, money market funds and debit cards.

Despite the promise, the limits cannot be ignored. Most AMCs do not serve low-end investors, whether they are individual or small businesses. In addition, these companies charge significant management fees. For some clients, this becomes an avoidable burden. Experience and skill do not eliminate human error; strategies can go wrong, potentially causing significant loss to the client

Resource Management System

A resource management system is a framework that facilitates the use of various software, applications, and enterprise infrastructure to strategically plan and manage resources. The system focuses on optimal returns and balancing risk. In addition, he keeps an eye on the performance of the asset throughout its life.

In other words, it simplifies the monitoring of the company’s resources, and their state and facilitates better planning. To maximize returns, the cost of maintaining operating assets and fixed assets should be kept to a minimum. An asset can be finance, real estate, plant, equipment, information technology or personnel. Ivanti, GoCodes, Asset Panda, and InvGate are popular software used for asset management.


Refers to the strategic allocation of funds in various financial market instruments such as investment funds, stocks, bonds, futures and derivatives. For infrastructure assets, managers focus on the development, improvement and replacement of services.

These asset management companies direct financial resources towards the purchase or construction of commercial buildings.

Information technologies are an inseparable component of the business world and this discipline manages software and hardware resources. This includes computer systems, patents, licenses, applications and networks.

Digital assets such as content, social media presence, websites, media and other intellectual property are regulated by DAM.

The EAM manages both the tangible and intangible assets of a business. It deals with infrastructure, software, documentation, premises and processes.


The advantages of taking AMC are as follows.

The main role of an AMC is to determine the ideal investments. AMCs also determine which activities to avoid.

Managers monitor the level of risk inherent in an asset portfolio and take measures to reduce it.

AMC periodically examines all tangible and intangible assets. This way they are updated on usable resources.

Asset managers are always aware of when resources are running out. Exhausted resources only occupy one place in the books and have no possibility of use in the market. But these rumors keep financial records realistic.

Wealth managers incorporate value investments to facilitate clients’ investment objectives.

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