Market risk is the risk an investor faces due to the fall in the market value of a financial product resulting from factors affecting the entire market and is not limited to a particular economic commodity. Often referred to as systematic risk, market risk arises because of uncertainties in the economy, the political environment, natural or man-made disasters, or recession. It can only be hedged, however, it cannot be eliminated by diversification.
Interest rate risk arises when the value of a security could fall due to the rise and fall of current and long-term interest rates. It is a broader term that includes multiple elements such as basis risk, yield curve risk, options risk, and revaluation risk.
Currency risk results from fluctuations in the exchange rates between the national currency and the foreign currency. The most affected by this risk are multinationals that operate in different geographies and have their payments in different currencies.
Like currency risk, commodity price risk arises due to fluctuations in commodities such as crude oil, gold, silver, etc. However, unlike currency risk, commodity risks affect not only multinational companies but also ordinary citizens such as farmers, small businesses, traders, exporters and governments.
The final component of market risk is stock price risk, which refers to the movement in the stock prices of financial products. Since stocks are more sensitive to any change in the economy, the price risk of stocks is one of the most important parts of market risk. Market Risk Premium Formula One factor used to calculate the estimated market risk is the calculation of the market risk premium. The selling market risk premium is the difference between the expected rate of return and the prevailing risk-free rate of return.
Some advantages are as follows.
Some of the disadvantages are as follows.
It is an integral part of any portfolio. It arises because of the additional return that an investor expects to generate from an investment. If hedged, it can lead to better results and protect losses when the market experiences downward cycles.